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7: Making inter-canister calls



One of the most important features of the Internet Computer blockchain for developers is the ability to call functions in one canister from another canister. This capability to make calls between canisters, also sometimes referred to as inter-canister calls, enables you to reuse and share functionality in multiple dapps.

For example, you might want to create a dapp for professional networking, organizing community events, or hosting fundraising activities. Each of these dapps might have a social component that enables users to identify social relationships based on some criteria or shared interest, such as friends and family or current and former colleagues.

To address this social component, you might want to create a single canister for storing user relationships then write your professional networking, community organizing, or fundraising application to import and call functions that are defined in the canister for social connections. You could then build additional applications to use the social connections canister or extend the features provided by the social connections canister to make it useful to an even broader community of other developers.

This example will showcase a simple way to configure inter-canister calls that can be used as the foundation for more elaborate projects and use-cases such as those mentioned above.


Before getting started, assure you have set up your developer environment according to the instructions in the developer environment guide.

Create a new dfx project

Open a terminal window on your local computer, if you don’t already have one open.

First, create a new dfx project with the command:

Use dfx new <project_name> to create a new project:

dfx new intercanister

You will be prompted to select the language that your backend canister will use. Select 'Motoko':

? Select a backend language: ›
❯ Motoko
TypeScript (Azle)
Python (Kybra)

Then, select a frontend framework for your frontend canister. Select 'No frontend canister':

  ? Select a frontend framework: ›
Vanilla JS
No JS template
❯ No frontend canister

Lastly, you can include extra features to be added to your project:

  ? Add extra features (space to select, enter to confirm) ›
⬚ Internet Identity
⬚ Bitcoin (Regtest)
⬚ Frontend tests

Then, navigate into the project's directory:

cd intercanister

Create two new directories under the src directory for your new canisters:

mkdir src/canister1
mkdir src/canister2

Create a new file, src/canister1/

In this file, insert the following code:

import Canister2 "canister:canister2";

actor {
public func main() : async Nat {
return await Canister2.getValue();

Then, create another new file, src/canister2/

In this file, insert the following code:

import Prim "mo:prim";

actor {
public func getValue() : async Nat {
Prim.debugPrint("Hello from canister 2!");
return 10;

Open the dfx.json file and delete the existing content. Then, insert the following code:

"canisters": {
"canister1": {
"main": "src/canister1/",
"type": "motoko"
"canister2": {
"main": "src/canister2/",
"type": "motoko"
"defaults": {
"build": {
"args": "",
"packtool": ""
"output_env_file": ".env",
"version": 1

Starting the local canister execution environment

To start the local replica on your local computer, run the following command:

dfx start --clean --background

This guide uses the --clean option to start the local canister execution environment in a clean state.

This option removes any orphan background processes or canister identifiers that might disrupt normal operations. For example, if you forgot to issue a dfx stop when moving between projects, you might have a process running in the background or in another terminal. The --clean option ensures that you can start the local canister execution environment and continue to the next step without manually finding and terminating any running processes.

Deploy your project

Deploy your new canisters with the command in your project's directory:

dfx deploy

Interacting with the canisters

Use the following command to make a call from canister1 to canister2:

dfx canister call canister1 main

The output should resemble the following:

2023-06-15 15:53:39.567801 UTC: [Canister ajuq4-ruaaa-aaaaa-qaaga-cai] Hello from canister 2!
(10 : nat)

Alternatively, you can also use a canister id to access a previously deployed canister by using the following piece of code in the src/canister1/ file:

actor {
public func main(canisterId: Text) : async Nat {
let canister2 = actor(canisterId): actor { getValue: () -> async Nat };
return await canister2.getValue();

Then, use the following call, replacing canisterID with the principal ID of a previously deployed canister:

dfx canister call canister1 main "canisterID"

For example, for a canister with the principal ID of ajuq4-ruaaa-aaaaa-qaaga-cai, which is the principal ID of canister2 that was used earlier:

dfx canister call canister1 main "ajuq4-ruaaa-aaaaa-qaaga-cai"

Next steps

Next, let's take a look at optimizing canisters